
Mini Review: When Water Sang Fire (Spoilers)

Last tale of the book! It took so long to read but worth it all! Tale: When Water Sang Fire Blurb: Ursula's tale full of betrayal and pain Thoughts: I. LOVE. THIS. TALE. Ursula is my all time fave so when they started talking about Ulla I knew this was my kind of tale. I was blown away how Ulla did everything for her friend and for their dreams. How she had a contented life but how she wanted to be a Court Singer in the palace. She even had a best friend and wished for he happiness as well. BUT THAT WAS MESSED UP ON HOW THE PRINCE DID THAT TO ULLA AND HOW SIGNY DID THAT TO HER. HOW SHE WAS WORRIED ABOUT HER FRIEND BUT TURNED ON HER. Guys. Know your self worth. Don't sell yourself short, dont make compromises, and it is good to have relationships but you need to look after yourself. Also she never gave up! She got made a powerful song only she can sing and became a storm, a tempest, herself. AND CAN WE TALK ON HOW THE DARKLING WAS HER BROTHER AND HER MOTHER WAS BAGHRA?!

Mini Review: The Soldier Prince (Spoilers)

We are almost finished with The Language of Thorns! Here is my mini review on tonight's tale! Tale: The Soldier Prince Blurb: The take of the famous holiday tale, The Nutcracker but with something more. Thoughts: The tale is told from the Nutcracker's P.O.V. for most of the story. It's told from the creator, Droessen and what he is and why he created the Soldier Prince for Clara. Then it goes on how Clara desires a world different from the real one and whispers her dreams and wishes to the Nutcracker. Soon the Nutcracker grows his own desires and wants to live beyond the world of his cabinet. Yet it was a struggle. He was caught up with Clara's, Clara's brother, Frederick's, and even Droessen' s desires. Droessen even tried to put down the Nutcracker's wants as nothing. But soon, he used Droessen's tactics against him and won in the end. The Nutcracker became real and explored the world he wanted to see, that he wished. Clara, devastated from h

Mini Review: Little Knife (Spoilers)

Happy Friday the 13th guys! Im sorry I was so late on yesterday's review so I did this one kinda early~ Tale: Little Knife Blurb: A tidemaker tries to win the hand of the most beautiful woman in all of Ravka. Thoughts. I love this story! I knew that when we learn whom or what Little Knife was, I can already tell. Yeva is the most beautiful woman in all of Ravka. Though she wants the simple stuff in life, her beauty keeps her locked up. Her father loves the attention though and when he saw the prince, he wanted Yeva to marry him. Enters Semyon, a poor tidemaker who wanted to marry Yeva. Yet with each task that Yeva's father sets he whines as complains and ask the river, whom he calls Little Knife from the way the river moves and is seen, to help him. Which the river does and solves each task. Towards the end, the river is done being told what to do and seeing Semyon about to take Yeva as his bride, the river shows it's true form. I JUST LOVE THIS PART. Little Knife i

Mini Review: The Witch of Duva (Spoilers)

A little less then 30 minutes to midnight, so I'll make this short but..sweet~ Tale: The Witch of Duva Blurb: Unexpected Twists, a Hansel and Gretel retelling without the Hansel~ Thoughts: It was hard to stick to the story in the beginning but towards the end, I love it! When Nayda left to go to the woods and happen upon the witch's Magda's house, I thought she was doomed and bounded to get eaten. But I was wrong. Magda is a good witch that helps people and when she helps Nayda and we find out that Karina was only trying to HELP Nayda and that HER FATHER was a cannibal eating the girls- I did not see that coming. I love the theme: "That the Monsters are more closer to home then you think." I also love how I was doubting all the women in this book and it taught me a lesson: We women have to stick together and trust each other. I doubted Karina all the way up to the end and realize when she was doing all along. Granted, it didn't seem that way at first but she

Mini Review: The Too-Clever Fox (spoilers)

Another night, another tale, another mini night time review! Tale: The Too-Clever Fox Blurb: Can a clever fox out smart the Hunter? Thoughts: Im going to be honest, I was gonna rate this a 3. But because I talked to my friend Zyra,  I totally missed the obvious themes of the story (thanks Zyra!) This tale is full of wisedom: "Don't Judge a Book By It's Cover," "Don't Get Too Cocky Cause You Can Get Careless," "You Can Ask For Help and You Don't Have To Do Everything By Yourself"... But the one Zyra came up with that I like the best is that: "Never Hold Someone's Honest Mistakes Against Them." Lula was the wisest ("Just Because You Are Clever, Doesnt Make You Wise" was another theme) but she knew Koja was making an honest mistake and he learned from that lesson the hard way. Koja knew it too and he holds that reminder and he made a friend in Lula from that day forward. A well-done tale to read in the end. Ratin

Mini Review!: Ayama and the Thorn Wood (Spoilers)

Hello guys and welcome to my mini review! Me and Zyra, my friend from Bookstagram, came up with this idea that I should do a mini review for each story for The Language of Thorns each night when I read one tale each night. Tale: Ayama and the Thorn Wood Blurb: A bit of Cinderella and A Thousand Nights wrapped up in a Beauty and The Beast Tale Thoughts: I love it! Ayama had a bit of Cinderella similarities where she sleeps and does the chores but has a loving sister and grandmother, but has courage to go see a beast in the thorny woods where she tells stories to appease the Beast not to kill her and to leave the village alone. There she discovers the truth of the Beast's existence and how the girl wields the truth she discovers like thorns~ It is a beautiful tale and I am such a sucker for Beauty and The Beast retellings! (There is even a hint of the Greek tale of the Minotaur) And alone with the beautiful tale, is the beautiful illustration! Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Book Blog Newbie Tag

So what better way to get to know the bookish side of me with a BOOKISH TAG! I knew there was a booktube newbie tag so I just googled the Book Blogger version and found it on thebookmermaidblog via wordpress. SO~ LET'S GET STARTED! 1 – Why did you start this blog? Im good at reading but suck at writing and I had a booklr before but I felt like it is the lazy version of a writing blog, so I started this in hopes of writing more and getting better at writing.  2- What are some fun and unique things you can bring to book blogging? To be honest, I don't know. I never really thought about it. But I think, I can bring thoughtful discussions to the table. Ask and Question some books that can bring an intellectual conversation with others. 3 – What are you most excited for about this new blog? Just a new way to explore books 4 – Why do you love reading? Reading has brought me so much joy and happiness and hope to my life. When i was down, I just dived into a new bo