Mini Review!: Ayama and the Thorn Wood (Spoilers)

Hello guys and welcome to my mini review! Me and Zyra, my friend from Bookstagram, came up with this idea that I should do a mini review for each story for The Language of Thorns each night when I read one tale each night.

Tale: Ayama and the Thorn Wood

Blurb: A bit of Cinderella and A Thousand Nights wrapped up in a Beauty and The Beast Tale

Thoughts: I love it! Ayama had a bit of Cinderella similarities where she sleeps and does the chores but has a loving sister and grandmother, but has courage to go see a beast in the thorny woods where she tells stories to appease the Beast not to kill her and to leave the village alone. There she discovers the truth of the Beast's existence and how the girl wields the truth she discovers like thorns~ It is a beautiful tale and I am such a sucker for Beauty and The Beast retellings! (There is even a hint of the Greek tale of the Minotaur) And alone with the beautiful tale, is the beautiful illustration!

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


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