Mini Review: The Soldier Prince (Spoilers)

We are almost finished with The Language of Thorns! Here is my mini review on tonight's tale!

Tale: The Soldier Prince

Blurb: The take of the famous holiday tale, The Nutcracker but with something more.

Thoughts: The tale is told from the Nutcracker's P.O.V. for most of the story. It's told from the creator, Droessen and what he is and why he created the Soldier Prince for Clara. Then it goes on how Clara desires a world different from the real one and whispers her dreams and wishes to the Nutcracker.

Soon the Nutcracker grows his own desires and wants to live beyond the world of his cabinet. Yet it was a struggle. He was caught up with Clara's, Clara's brother, Frederick's, and even Droessen' s desires. Droessen even tried to put down the Nutcracker's wants as nothing. But soon, he used Droessen's tactics against him and won in the end.

The Nutcracker became real and explored the world he wanted to see, that he wished.

Clara, devastated from her dreams not coming true decided to pass on her dreams and become a writer.

Frederick followed where the ships took him, not knowing what is going to happen.

I love how we see that dreams and wishes do come true in the Nutcracker. But when dreams and wishes dont, that there are other ways to fulfill your life. Hence that Clara became a writer and wrote children stories (idk why, but I saw Leigh Bardugo with her silver hair half up and half down in a black dress watching the ships come by from Ketterdam). And sometimes it is okay just living day to day and sometimes those with a good job dont end up very happy (Frederick and his and Clara's mother and father).

But you also have to be careful what you wish for. They might not turn out on how you want them to be. (Hence what happen to Droessen towards the end)

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


  1. Althea Zelverhaus revived Droessen, making him human at the end?


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